Is Estrogen Dominance Real? – 002

In episode number 2 of The Ali Damron Show, I discussed the heated topic of estrogen dominance, what it is and how to heal from it.

Estrogen is a sex hormone that is primarily responsible for sexual and reproductive development, mainly in women.

It is produced mainly in the ovaries, but also in the adrenal glands and in fat cells.  It is essential for regulating the menstrual cycle during the follicular phase (which is generally in the first two weeks in a healthy cycle) and works synergistically with progesterone, which is dominant in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (post ovulation until your menstrual cycle begins).

In addition to regulating a menstrual cycle by building the uterine lining, estrogen also has other roles, such as:

  • Bone formation working with vitamin D, calcium and other hormones to break down and rebuild strong bones.  When women develop osteoporosis during menopause, it can sometimes be due to the lower amounts of estrogen available.
  • Blood clotting
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Hair, skin, nails and pelvic muscles

Estrogen, unfortunately, gets a bad rap because it can be correlated to cancer (uterine, ovarian and breast), hot flashes and hair loss during menopause.

What is Estrogen Dominance?

A state of high estrogen levels (or dominant) blamed for a wide range of distressing symptoms such as fibroids, endometriosis, hypothyroidism, and breast cancer.

There are multiple scenarios of why this dominance can occur:

  1. Estrogen levels maintain themselves but progesterone levels plummet for reasons such as adrenal fatigue or perimenopause
  2. Estrogen levels are actually high along with lower progesterone levels
  3. You’re adding excess estrogen to your body without knowing called xenoestrogens (found in BPA, added hormones in dairy and meat products, insecticides and/or pesticides, commercial beauty products, soft plastics, additives and preservatives  in food)

Our body tries to maintain certain ratios of hormonal levels throughout our lives depending on what cycle and phase we’re on by communication pathways between the brain, adrenal glands and ovaries to create hormonal balance, but endocrine system disruptors disrupt this process.

Fluctuations in estrogen levels can have a dramatic effect on how we feel, think and function.

Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance

  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome
  • Decreased libido
  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Water retention and bloating
  • Mood swings such as anxiety, irritability, depression and anger
  • Weight gain or stubborn fat around your abdomen or hip regions
  • Memory loss
  • Foggy brain
  • Insomnia
  • PMS symptoms
  • Fibrocystic breasts and breast tenderness
  • Headaches
  • Hypothyroidism – cold hands and feet
  • Sluggish metabolism

The state of estrogen dominance begins when our brain and body overstimulates estrogen production.  Stress can exacerbate all hormonal disturbances.  This is more common in women ages 30-50 due to perimenopause but can be seen in women of ALL ages.

Estrogen dominance is linked to allergies, autoimmune conditions, breast cancer, uterine cancer, infertility, ovarian cysts, increased blood clotting and accelerated aging.

What Causes Estrogen Dominance?

  • Perimenopause with annovulatory cycles causes higher estrogen levels because progesterone doesn’t counteract it with ovulation.
  • Excess body fat (over 28%)
  • Stress – excess cortisol, insulin and norepinephrine create adrenal exhaustion.  With adrenal exhaustion, progesterone production slows creating an estrogen dominant environment
  • Addition of xenoestrogens – endocrine system disruptors
  • Low fiber diet with excess refined carbohydrates and sugar that is low in micronutrients.  Estrogen is excreted through the bowel or it is reabsorbed.
  • Low immune system function
  • Poor gut health

How to Heal

  • Increase micronutrients with a food based multivitamin and mineral supplement
  • Whole food nutrition
  • Hormone-balancing diet with healthy protein, fats and sprouted grains
  • Eat fiber
  • Detoxify liver
  • Decrease stress
  • Transdermal 2% bioidentical progesterone cream


Here are a list of resources I mentioned in this episode:

Milk Thistle



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