Post Birth Control Syndrome – 028

Post birth control syndrome can arise within the first 4-6 months after stopping the pill – usually an estrogen-based birth control.


Lack of period or heavy, irregular periods





Hair loss


Blood sugar dysregulation


Inflammation or immune system problems

STEP #1 – Detox the Excess Estrogen!

Gut Health – Birth control can disrupt normal gut flora and create an environment that allows for the overgrowth of harmful bacteria and yeast. Healthy guts remove the excess estrogen and removes estrogen dominance symptoms such as cysts, fibrocystic breasts, weight gain and heavy periods. Our minds are also tied to our guts, so if it’s unhealthy, it can contribute to anxiety and depression. Eat fermented foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha or take a probiotic supplement.

Liver Love – The liver can filter out excess hormones as well so we want to support it to get rid of toxins. Eating foods such as dandelion root, carrots, beets, grass-fed collagen, kale, broccoli and cauliflower will help!

Fiber – Make sure you’re eating plenty of fiber because estrogen is expelled through the bowel as well. If it’s not, it will be reabsorbed!

STEP #2 – Replace Nutrients

Birth control depletes key nutrients in our bodies such as antioxidants, B vitamins and minerals such as zinc and selenium. These are critical for creating healthy neurotransmitters that keep us calm such as dopamine and serotonin. We also needs these nutrients for liver support, balancing hormones, immune system function, tissue repair and thyroid hormone creation. Take a food-based multivitamin for this and make sure to eat lots of fruits and vegetables to get a variety of nutrients in your diet.

Acupuncture can also help to regulate all these body functions and balance hormones, so seek help from your local acupuncturist. They can also prescribe herbs and supplements tailor to you as an individual to get the best results.

As always, before starting supplements and vitamins, please consult with a medical professional.


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