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Our reproductive systems are a representation of our overall health. They are the last to receive nutrients and blood flow when the body stressed or undernourished because it’s not necessary for survival.
The eggs being recruited today will take about 3 months to complete their journey to becoming a dominant follicle that could be ovulated and meet up with sperm to become an embryo and eventually a baby.
What you eat creates cells that make up systems and entire bodies. We want them to function optimally, so we need to fuel them properly and provide the best building blocks. Insulin, cortisol and adrenaline are the big hormones in your body that have the biggest say in what all other hormones do.
1. Eat 5+ servings of vegetables per day
2. Eat healthy fats
3.Eat optimal proteins
4. Stick to fruits that are lower in the glycemic index or eat higher sugar fruit with protein and fat.
5. Watch your intake of dairy and eat only full fat dairy.
6. Eat prebiotics to feed probiotics
7. Take a probiotic
8. Significantly reduce wheat and gluten
9. Drink clean water.
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