How to Keep Your Determination and Motivation Strong With Six Steps – 019

In episode 19 of The Ali Damron Show, I discussed how to keep your motivation and determination strong with the six steps I use very regularly.

  1. Find your why.  This is finding your individual purpose, vision and what lights you up about life.  I journal about this regularly and it’s a bit of soul searching, but if you haven’t found your “why,” keep looking.  It’s the most worthwhile thing in life.
  2. Make sure they’re YOUR goals – not your spouses, parents, kids, etc.
  3. Set SMART goals.
    1. Specific
    2. Measurable
    3. Attainable
    4. Realistic
    5. Time
  4. Visualize your results
  5. Keep the big picture in mind and don’t get bogged down by small details
  6. Go back to your why when the going gets tough.  All worthwhile things in life are difficult!


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