Should We Take Nutrition Advice From Netflix Documentaries?

I’ve been asked several dozen times in the past couple weeks if I think plant based diets are a necessity or I think my patients should do them.

The truth is actually – no I don’t think you should be 100% plant based. I think that animal products have amazing vitamins and minerals that women’s bodies need to keep our hormones and thyroid functioning well.

Most vegetarians and vegans that I see are deficient in vitamin D (most people are in general though), the b vitamins, choline, iron, calcium (sometimes), protein and omega 3’s.

If you’re plant-based, you must actively work to get these into your diets.

The bigger point of this episode though is to actually think about documentaries. They have science in them, but they are also produced for entertainment and they have an agenda.

The science that is in documentaries is real, but it’s biased. They don’t report studies on the opposite opinion than theirs working.

In this instance, Game Changers is about plant-based diets and they show all the benefits of being that way, but they don’t show the people who have benefitted from a diet that includes meat.

There are plenty of documentaries promoting the keto and paleo lifestyle as well.

I’m not necessarily promoting a certain lifestyle (although I do think most women should eat meat sometimes in addition to eating a ton of plants).

This is food for thought for you. Don’t always believe everything you’re told (even if they base it on science). There might be more to the story than you’re being told.


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