Why You’re Craving Sweets

There are two forms of sugar – natural and processed.  Natural sugars include honey, maple syrup and fruit sugar (fructose).  Processed sugars include high fructose corn syrup, white sugar and other forms of processed sugar.  Our bodies metabolize these different forms of sugar and natural sugar is healthier for you, but shouldn’t be consumed in excess either due to it’s effect on insulin and blood sugar levels.

Lots of women crave sugar and it can be a cause of underlying health issues and keeping on weight.  I has no nutritional value either.  It can cause inflammation, gut health imbalances, candida overgrowth, dental problems, liver issues, insulin resistance and metabolic disease, and addiction.

There can also be a lot of reasons women crave sugar.

1. Gut health issues. When we have leaky gut, eating highly processed foods drastically decreases our good bacteria and the “bad” bacteria and candida (yeast) crave sugar to live thus making you crave sugar.

2.  Blood sugar spikes. This is addicting!  We have blood sugar spikes that give us energy from sugar.  Eat more protein and fat especially with our high carbohydrate meals and foods to counterbalance the insulin spike.

3. We’re exhausted. Being tired dulls your senses and willpower and then our body craves sugar and caffeine to feel better.  And the vicious cycle continues.  Get 7-8 quality hours of sleep per night.

4.  Habit.  We have habits and rituals of wanting sugar frequently.  We also tell ourselves that we are addicted to sugar or crave it and that we have no willpower and when we tell ourselves these things, they become a reality.  Stop telling yourself detrimental things!


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